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2. Operating your Atlas.

Learn how to operate the Atlas hardware.

Marylin Ma avatar
Written by Marylin Ma
Updated over a week ago

Here are a few tips on how to operate your Atlas successfully.

Power adapter

The power adapter should be plugged in at all times. To prevent tripping on the cable and damaging Atlas, please tuck the cable in between the slot tube behind the elastic bands.

Turning on and off

To turn Atlas on, press and hold the power button.

To turn Atlas off, press the power button and click Ok.

Positioning your client

Your client can rest their chin on the chin rest and lean forward into the head rests. For best results your client should:

Face directly square into the lens of Atlas.

Relax the neck and fully lean into the chin rest and head rests to support their head. This will minimize their movement.

Wrap their arms around the tubes for stability and comfort.

Adjusting to different head sizes

The head rests can be rotated to accommodate varying head widths. The left and right sides should be adjusted symmetrically.

Adjusting focus

The focus dial on the side of the Atlas can be adjusted to ensure the projected image is crisp.

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